A Silver Lining Foundation’s (ASLF) breast health testing programs fund cost-free breast health testing for the uninsured, underinsured and/or those ineligible for other breast health testing programs, including those who are undocumented. Tests funded include screening mammogram, diagnostic mammogram, breast ultrasound, MRI and biopsy.
ASLF doesn’t exclude based on age, residency, documentation or socioeconomics. The only requirement is need. We turn no one away.
Step 1: Complete the request form
Step 2: ASLF staff will contact the individual named on the request form. The person requesting testing will then select their breast health testing site from among ASLF’s 16 partner hospitals.
Step 3: Once the intake form is complete, ASLF will send a service voucher to the client. During the intake process, clients will be asked if they would like to receive the voucher by US mail and/or email. ASLF will also advise of the approximate timeframe for mailing of the voucher. This voucher serves as payment at the time of the testing procedure.
Step 4: Once the client receives the voucher, s/he follows the provided instructions for scheduling her/his appointment.
Step 5: At the appointment, the client presents the voucher as payment and presents a form of identification. The client also presents her/his doctor’s referral. If a client does not have a doctor, the partner hospital will provide a doctor to receive the test results and communicate directly with the client.